Saturday, March 05, 2005

Hanging out in Rae-town

February 12th...Jocelyn and I treked to the south of the state to do some shopping and hang out with Megan and Dave. Here are the pics!

This is really dark...but if you look really close you can see Megan's dad and the wire woman sharing a moment! Posted by Hello

Megan and her mom... Posted by Hello

Paul Posted by Hello

Paul acting something out Posted by Hello

Dave and I Posted by Hello

Paul and Jocelyn Posted by Hello

I don't know what to say about this... Posted by Hello

Megan (acting out cranium maybe) Posted by Hello

Jocelyn and I Posted by Hello

Megan and Dave.... Posted by Hello

Megan smoking the Capri! Viva Las Vegas! Posted by Hello

Megan and I. Posted by Hello

Megan and Nina at Megan's house (Feb 12th) Posted by Hello