Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Here are all the pictures from Winona. It was the first weekend in November...I think...

I noticed that the picture that I took Bruce's head out of, I left his hand in. So, it looks like someone has a really big hand!!!



The girls, minus Bruce's head! Posted by Hello

The girls Posted by Hello

Melissa and Simon Posted by Hello

Melissa and Megan Posted by Hello

Megan and Amy Posted by Hello

Megan, Amy and Heather Posted by Hello

Kara and Simon Posted by Hello

Kara and Melissa Posted by Hello

Kara, Amanda, Melissa Posted by Hello

Amy and Heather Posted by Hello

Megan and Dave Posted by Hello

Amanda, Heather and Megan Posted by Hello

Simon and Amanda Posted by Hello

WINONA RULES! Posted by Hello

Amanda and Jesse Posted by Hello

Amanda and Kara Posted by Hello

Amanda and her Mom Posted by Hello